Egret y zed

A couple picnicked on a lawn before gardens attached to a ruins, a temple dedicated to some long forgotten god. They partook of a ceremonial bowl filled with ripe dark grapes and small, tart plums. The mid afternoon repast tasted very good to the man as he ate the fruit from a tiny fork his lover clasped between her fingers.

The lady took delight in watching the young man accidentally miss a tiny drop of juice. It fell from his lower lip and left a little damp impression on his shirt. He was very subconscious about it and squirmed uncomfortably. The lass giggled silently, and he sensed it. That heightened his irritability, but only for a moment. He quickly recovered, and they laughed together in one of those small moments that make affairs of the heart so sublime.

The Fabled Giraceros

Ichor and sureties diverged;
Some confused thing in the cosmos cried foul.
Icharus never sought to fly with waxy wings.
The tragedy rebels.

This photograph was taken in Zimbabwe. Since 2010 the residents of that nation have been working to preserve their part of the Zambezi River Valley in harsh economic conditions. The Tashinga Initiative has focused on bringing plumbing, and in some cases electricity, to more remote locations. More rangers and protection officials were hired in ongoing improvements in law enforcement. The Tashinga Initiative has studied the mistakes of the past in an effort to make the future of the families there more stable and comfortable. The area depends on tourism to a large extent, and the project continues to improve the experience.


-Cobol and Fortran meet. They discover they are a perfect match. They attempt to take space shuttle cruise to a place with no operating system. Once arriving there the super-duper secure pressure sealed super-nova proof triangular windows glided smooth-wally out of the way, only to thrust them into a monitor full of nothing but empty Vim screens, IPcop discs and floppies full of spaghetti coed (gasp). Instead of existing as programs they decided to grow sexual bodies, human male and female ones!. Fortran became Fedora's swimsuit model and Cobol became a goofy, socially inept guy (who cheated used a Wang editor to communicate [scandalous]), used Python modules (still no physical connection) and longed for the era of electronics. Just then one of the awesome cool Mickey-soft people who had lots of money, Word Perfect, a personal trainer, a speech writer (who used Microsoft Word instead of openOffice), a car and a suave exterior {back on Earth} arrived and stole the girl *\/*. The villains name was obscured by the cloud of sand he kicked in young Charles Atlas' face (Borland escaped, the rogue!). C became the non-oracle of Delphi and C++ was born!
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Related written works at Angelfire, Sex Symbols, Cymbals of Silence.Repent or Die