Jobs Leaves Apple

Steve Jobs officially resigned from the helm of Apple Inc. He co-founded the company from a garage, and went on to reign as CEO for fourteen years. Jobs accomplishments will always be seen in light of his own individual breakthroughs as a true technology pioneer, but his work keeping the Apple organization at the very forefront of dynamic research and development can never be minimized. His competitive genius and product presentation savvy will forever place him in the highest echelons of iconic American business giants like Andrew Carnegie, Richard Sears and William Randolph Hearst.

Steve Jobs presence on the stage as the leader of that company will be missed. Jobs strength and tenacity shines in his survival of pancreatic cancer, another storm like many others he weathered like a true champion. He still suffers from an undisclosed medical condition, so please keep he and his loved ones in your thoughts and prayers.

Apple shares were suspended from trading before the news came out. The historic announcement will leave control of the company in the hands of Tim Cook. Cook was the obvious choice for successor, but has some very big shoes to fill.

-time elapsed-

So, I, um, I heard some things. All those years, Apple not getting the market share it really sort of deserved, a bite taken out of the apple, the whole Macintosh thing, it all started clicking into place. Nobody has to be a PC sort of person. Men can, you know, take a bite out of the apple. It's free here that way...
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