Roll Call of the Lesser Devils

The Open Road
One of the more glorified subjects
A literary saga of nevertheless
all for the sake of time’s quickened passage.
What need to map a panaoramic dream?
Mold thought to paper, what for?
Sing treachery, the answer comes
The words a private corner in which to hide delight.
The word will carry on after the words have gone,
But the saga does wend through here.
Once in a never never land the rain
Wafted goodbye on careless breezes.
The rain takes the abandoned towns to its bosom.
The towns become lazy memories when you have no companions.
Towns are impermanent, like the traveller
Like rain.
The wind and the old roads, and the rain
Will wtill be there when most other things are gone.
What about the garden?
The path down into the ruins alive with mystery,
The crimson delights inside could never be owned,
And only time brings the garden to life again.
You can find it at home on the road.
Honesty is but a pinprick to the seasoned traveller.
Death can be seen in the towns gone to dust,
Symbols of man coming to terms with exhausted resources.
Nature is a lovely word
But the proud mansions now cumbled
Show nature can be a fickle woman.
From birth only living to death
Still, the promise of staying awhile has merit,
And to be one with future plants and flowers
Doesn’t hold too many frightening ideas.
Fear not weary soul
It doesn’t matter where you try to go,
The rest will find you at the end of the road,
And the glory was in to each his own.

The sun and the sky
Part from the earth, good bye,
In the winter as the rustling leaves die.
The hush of freezing fills the world.
The green life shudders a last frosty epithet.
The stars are like tears
In the winter, the heavens weep to forget.

The door slams
In the rush to leave,
Too far, far gone.
Haste rolls like thunder over the world,
Shaking even the crucifix
Hung with care over the door.
One has to shout over the prattle,
Scream to be heard over the idle conversation.
The woman acted like prey
So she was preyed on.
Was she angry over that,
Or did she just sound angry?
Prattle to quiet the shouts,
Whisper to forget the screams.
It is no wonder a soul can go unheard
When stranded in such alienation.
She slammed the door ad she left,
But really I slammed it for her.
The needle pricks deep
When words of love are mockery,
When action makes mockery of words.

Near a valley on a river
In a cave high in the hills
Blows the cold and desolate wind,
The guardian of a tomb.
The tomb was placed there long ago
By gods and men in unison
So that when men could learn to love
They could place hate in the prepared grave.
To find this tomb look to the heart,
The place where love and will are the law,
In that place man loves
The sunset, summer and womankind.
Today it rained, I watched the sky.
I wondered what had upset it so as the torrents came down.
The feeling of it falling on dry hair
Brings hope of achieving peace one day.
The doors stand open on the universe
As near as a failed heartbeat away.
Walk through with open arms,
The tomb waits for all your hate
Among the rocks and the cold
With devils proud and bold locked inside.
Turn your shining eyes to the western sky,
Open your heart,
The tomb will allow all to be forgiven.
Man must never forget
The destiny of hate.

Turn right round and around again.
The thread of truth,
The thread through lives,
Weaving the tapestry of human lies,
The scream on the edge of nothing,
And I pray to the moon
By the light of the sun,
And cry for the falling stars at night, alone,
Years of light away from one,
Love, faraway like the sun seen from the bottom of the ocean.
I cry for the stars
For the stars we are,
Cold moon our only lover.

What did the words say
On the cross currents of the deeeper stream?
I sleep and remember nothing
Of the home I left behind
A million years ago.
There is only water to our souls
And it is dripping away.
The water can no more be captured
Than the look in haughty girl’s eyes
As she turns and walks away.

The scream on the edge of nothing,
And I pray to the moon
By the light of the sun,
And cry for the falling stars at night, alone,
Years of light away from one,
Love, faraway like the sun seen from the bottom of the ocean.
I cry for the stars
For the stars we are,
Cold moon our only lover.
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