More Fun from Wall Street

Don't feel remorse if you don't think you can handle this sort of scene. On the other hand, if civil disobedience and good clean police conflict is your idea of a good time, then Occupy Wall Street has what you're looking for. Having a clean record helps at bail hearings. Remember, it's not what you did or didn't do that determines how you'll be treated by the authorities, its whether or not you make them angry.

Gratis Iranian Pointers

Some of those attending the International Atomic Energy Agency General Convention received free laser pointers from Iran. The laser pointers are shaped like little centrifuges.

The laser pointers come with the slogan "Nuclear Energy for All, Nuclear Weapon for None." So, Iran refuses to have only one nuclear weapon, eh? Ahmadinejad will stop at nothing! Presumably it was just poor English usage, but one can never tell. From Arms Control Wonk.
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