ξ Acyclic Glotls: Sharma-Tasso-Olives ξ

[Short creative words based on the Journal of Physical Sciences, January/February 2010 and the Journal of Mathematics]

Adomian recomposition, tonguing the alphabet backwards
Closed co-diagonals, massive spring Renaissance Φ MARRED

--- Folds in data and inconsistent comments here possibly caused by a mother card security module elevated to a level completely out of step with the absolute cleanliness of mind, body, spirit and contemplation involved with this body of work.
(based on readings from Library Computing, Internet and Software Applications for Information Professionals.)

[Smart cards aren't read by eunuchs. There must be some sort of computing involved here somewhere, though. Many happy returns to those who spent the time working out that looking that last source up was so incredibly valuable.]
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